Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In Which Life Happens

So, the chimney topple featured in the last post happened in September of 2017. After that, a whole lot of things happened. At the farm, we continued painting on the exterior work already featured in the Curb Appeal post. But a lot of what happened wasn't at the farm at all.

In November, we went to Arizona to visit Chris's dad for Thanksgiving.

This house is in much worse shape than the farm. Nice view, though.
In December, we went to Maryland for Christmas with my sister, where I repaid her for her work on the farm by helping to re-tile the backsplash in her kitchen.

This is the nicest kitchen you'll ever see on this blog.
In February and March, I built my sister a Cyberman head for a cosplay she was working on.

What happens when you give me bad weather, Styrofoam, and craft paint.

Also in March, I got diagnosed with breast cancer. In April, I had a bilateral mastectomy. The good news is that they believe they got all the cancer. The bad news, at least for the farm, was that I spent a lot of the spring recovering strength and stamina.

In May, the whole family got together in Shenandoah National Park to celebrate my parents' anniversary. I hiked to this waterfall and immediately regretted it, realizing that "recovering strength and stamina" thing was still very much in progress.

Lovely. But not worth it.
And by then, it was basically this summer, which was largely spent patching plaster in the upstairs bedroom (which you already saw). Oh, and then I had sinus surgery, because you can never have too much surgery. So then I was on lifting restrictions again for a few more weeks.

One nice farm-related thing out of all of this was that we also spent some time actually just up there enjoying the farm. We took the cat with us and spent the week of July 4th at the farm, working on some projects, but also getting out into town and just relaxing.

Remnar at the farm.
There are a few more projects from this summer that I'll still update you on, but sadly, a lot of the past nine months or so were spent mostly focused on non-farm issues. Now that we're finally picking up the pace again, the nice weather is fading fast, so we'll see what else we're able to get done before winter.

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