Sunday, July 9, 2017

Shed Flip-Flop

So far, I think this is the most fully completed project, in that it's actually all done and not just advanced to a new stage of needs-to-be-worked-on: Chris turned the shed around.

This, you may recall, was the shed as viewed from the road.

It was basically fine, but Chris decided that it needed a door for added security. And a lean-to, for added storage. And for the door to face the back of the property, for a bit of additional security and privacy.

Spoiler alert -- at no time did we actually move the shed in order to achieve these goals.


Instead, Chris just took off all the siding on the back of the shed, moved it to the front, and vice versa. A relatively simple inversion! Then it was just a matter of building a door and lean-to out of scrap boards (of which we're gathering a fairly large collection) and putting up a section of fence to keep the neighbors from having to look at our storage.

Shed -- now with working door!

Building supplies -- now out of the neighbors' view!
View from the back

I think the new inverted shed looks a lot more put together now that you don't pull up to the house and immediately find yourself staring into its dark recesses. And I guess I lied just a little earlier -- the shed does still need a fresh coat of barn red paint, so it's not quite "project complete" just yet. That should only be a quick hour or so of work, so hopefully it's a project we can check off the list fairly soon.

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